February 15th Newsletter


Little Things You Can Do

 I do not know why but it seems that most people do not like little things. It would seem as if we think that some small act or thing is and should always be counted as inferior. Yet, we find in the Bible that it was not the large things but rather the small things that really do matter. Do you remember that it was only one small stone that killed Goliath?  Or, do you recall the great lesson learned by the vertically challenged man named Zacchaeus?  Still, better yet, do you remember Jesus teaching the power and wide reaching effects of the kingdom as he taught the parable of the mustard seed? No, it is not always the big things that matter.  It most often is the little things that mean the most to us. Just think of some small things you can do for someone that will mean much to them and their soul.

A card

A handshake

A word of encouragement

A pat on the back

A remembrance of a special day (birthday, anniversary, etc.) A small gift of appreciation

A nod of the head in acknowledgement

Time invested in a friendship

Telling others about Pomona’s app they need to get

A smile

An invitation to our worship service

A compliment

A cup of coffee

A Bible verse for the day


 Yes, the small things mean so much. They are easy to undertake and often move the heart of the recipient to great heights of emotion. See what small thing you can do for someone today. Then tomorrow see if you can do something different. See what a difference you can make in the lives of others. 

Between Us…

I have often said that Pomona has wonderful people doing wonderful things

for others and the Lord. I am always amazed at the good that is done. Let me give you an example.  Last Sunday 7 of our ladies passed out valentine goodies to some at NHC. These items were gathered at the ladies monthly meeting in January.

Way to go ladies! You all exemplify what it is all about.  Keep up the good work.

Hold To God’s Hand